Thursday 28 October 2010

San Antonio

The second largest city in Texas but more famously known as the home of The Alamo. The Alamo was the scene of a defeat for The Texans by the Mexicans who were trying to keep Texas as a state of Mexico. The Texan army was so shocked by the deaths of the defenders of The Alamo that they fought and defeated The Mexican army at El Jacinto capturing their president, Santa Ana and forcing a treaty giving Texas independence. The mission (church) front still stands and some of the walls that surrounded the enclosure in 1836, the date of the battle. There are many tourists in San An. as it is called, and the city has built a lovely walk along the river with shops and restuarants. The museum of Texan culture shows the background to the many european immigrants who were looking for better lives for themselves and their families in Texas.

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