Wednesday 10 November 2010

Goodbye Garden Island

bananas - yum yum!
The Pacific Grand Canyon
As we toured this island the name became even more appropriate. Orchids like this one grow wild as do  bananas. Some of the most common birds are chickens! These were brought here by settlers and so many have escaped they are seen everywhere. The rich, fertile soil is caused by the island's volcanic origin. Weathered over hundreds of thousands of years crops like sugarcane, pineapple, mango, and coffee grow very easily. Kauai is no longer volcanic but the remains of the volcano that formed the island are the 5,500 feet mountains in the centre. Holes in the rocks called lava tubes cause waterspouts from the sea as big waves come in. Heavy rain in the mountains form steep valleys, one is called The Pacific Grand Canyon as at 3,000 feet deep it resembles the real thing. Humpback whales are being seen offshore at the moment. They swim from their feeding grounds off the coast of Alaska to give birth in the warmer waters around  Hawaii. There are also many green turtles around the coast as they find quiet beaches where they dig holes and lay their eggs. We nearly bumped into one whilst we were swimming, nearly 5 feet long with powerful flippers they are best avoided! A Pacific Monk Seal had a little rest on our beach and with the hundreds of different fish we have seen snorkelling this island has given us an amazing wildlife adventure.

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