Saturday 6 November 2010


Aloha means hello/welcome and what a welcome we had! Leis are garlands made from fresh flowers and they were put round our necks when we arrived at Honolulu airport. There are a number of islands in Hawaii, 5 large ones and some smaller. Honolulu, the state capital is on Oahu, not the largest island but the most populated with nearly 1 million people. There is a large natural harbour, one of the largest in the world, called Pearl Harbour. It is famous as the site where the American Pacific Fleet were attacked by Japanese aircraft and submarines on 7th December 1941, before war had even been declared. Over 3,000 Americans were killed with 9 battleships sunk and 7 damaged. This event brought America into the 2nd world war. Oahu still has large navy and marine bases as well as being the entry point for most of the many tourists. We are going on to 3 other islands from here then coming back at the end of our stay in Hawaii.

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